Basics of Family Discretionary Trusts
A trust is a legal structure designed to manage assets including businesses for the benefit of others. This arrangement is particularly effective for wealth protection, which is why a lot of people choose to manage their family business or assets through a trust.

Valuing Property in Your SMSF
For trustees of a self-managed super fund (SMSF) holding property, one of the most important things you need to do each year is to value the assets held in your fund.

Here are the 4 main reasons to upgrade your trust deed to a Family Protection Trust

Top 10 Estate Planning Priorities
Now is always a great time to start prioritize estate planning and safeguarding your family's wealth – especially if you are a business owner or professional with assets of over $1M.

Late Payment of Superannuation now falls under Wages Theft
From 1 January 2024, superannuation was listed as an item that employers had to comply with under the National Employment Standards (NES).

“The Next 5000” ATO Audit Program
We want to make sure you're in the loop about the latest announcement by the ATO. On November 3, 2023, the ATO introduced its new audit and review initiative - the "Next 5,000 Tax Performance Program."

Team Bonus Options
When it comes to improving staff retention and team member performance, a common question that often pops up is whether or not to give bonuses.
Here are a couple of essential principles to keep in mind

Stamp Duty Rules Change
2023 Update: NSW Stamp Duty Rules Change to Benefit First Home Buyers
Buying a home is an exciting milestone, but has always come with significant out of pocket costs, including stamp duty. The New South Wales (NSW) government has now changed the system, saying this will make home ownership more affordable.

More Than Compliance
At GrowthLogic Advisors, our primary purpose is supporting you in confidentially running and growing your business.
Of course as Accountants we prepare BAS’s, Financial Statements and Tax Returns. It’s everything else we do that sets GrowthLogic apart.
Every one of these services has been designed to ensure you have the right information and advice at the right time to help you make the best decisions to allow both your business and your family to thrive.

Superannuation & Your Self Managed Super Fund
As a Trustee of a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) there are some key changes to be aware of.

The Advantages of Bloodline Trusts
Preserving and protecting wealth for future generations has become a vital concern for many families. One effective estate planning tool that is gaining popularity in Australia is the bloodline trust. A bloodline trust is designed to restrict the distribution of trust assets to specific beneficiaries within a defined bloodline or lineage. This mechanism ensures that the benefits and wealth contained within the trust remain within the family bloodline for multiple generations.

Understanding Successor Director Provisions for Companies
In the world of corporate governance, Australian companies have established certain provisions to ensure smooth transitions and continuity in their leadership positions. One of the most important provisions is the successor director provisions.

Using Fixed Unit Trusts for Holding Property
Investing in property is an exciting part of the Australian dream, offering opportunities for both capital growth and financial stability. When it comes to holding property assets, a lesser-known option is through a fixed unit trust. This structure is straightforward and accessible option.

Developing a Tax Strategy
You might have heard the term "tax strategy" being thrown around – but it is more than just a buzzword. Having a tax strategy in place can make a big difference in managing your finances and putting you in a position to plan and create wealth for the future. Wealth creation doesn't happen by accident.

The Five Principles of Asset Protection
Has anyone ever explained the basics of asset protection and business structures to you?
Let’s go through the 5 Principles of Business Structure and Asset Protection.
We’ll walk through the basics and clearly explain why they these principles are important and how to use them.